The Book

Time and again management of organizations attempt to implement Continuous Improvement without truly understanding what is required. They will set up someone to train people in the chosen continuous improvement methodology, have people run various projects and see some form of impact, but they don’t see the long term results and changes to their organization and end up as frustrated as their people. The reason this happens is management overlooks the fact that they need to change as much or more than their people do to make continuous improvement work. True culture change has to happen, and that starts at the top, with senior management understanding how to change their behaviors so they are continuous improvement leaders. Only once this happens does true Operational Excellence take place. In “7 Essential Skills of Leadership” you will be shown how to act as a continuous improvement leader. From the senior executives down to the front line supervisors, the skills presented in this handbook need to be embraced and applied if Operational Excellence is truly your goal.

In “7 Essential Skills of Leadership” you will be shown how to act as a continuous improvement leader.
  • Social Styles

    In this clip, I talk a bit about one of the topics covered in detail in the book – Social Styles. Learn about your social style as well as the social styles of your team.